Friday, October 25, 2013

7 Quick Takes - Dos Shot

Joining the big link up!

1. You may or may not have noticed (hopefully you may) but...*drumroll please*...the blog got a makeover! I think it's pretty epic looking now and you can let me know how much you absolutely love it and, OOPS, I mean, *ahem* you can let me know what you think.

2. But what does it mean?!? I mean the makeover, what does the makeover mean. Wellllp, I'm glad you asked! The background is a picture of part of the cathedral in Compostella, where the Camino ends. Coming to that cathedral at the end of my five days on the Camino was a profound moment for me, and I don't think I'll ever forget it. Hopefully someday I'll be able to go back and do the whole thing. The header at the top has pictures of three gentlemen, at least two of whom you are familiar with if you actually read this blog everatall: Blessed Miguel Pro (the one being shot with his arms extended) and my Pier Giorgio (the one grinning his handsome face off). The other and less familiar tiny one up in the top right corner is a picture of St. Edmund Campion's martyrdom, which is the picture they put next to the word "stalwart" in the dictionary.

Well, not really, but they should.

3. I forget how I stumbled across Cassie Pease Designs, but they are a real treat and I love when she posts her new work on Facebook. She does everything with pictures and quotes of saints, and releases them in formats for cover photos, wallpapers, and so on. She released this one on Tuesday to celebrate Blessed-soon-to-be-Saint John Paul II's feast day, reminding me why I follow her on Faceook:

I know you love it. Go check her out.

4. Advent. Is. Coming!!!! Ok, ok, I mean, for me, Advent is pretty much coming as soon as Christmas is over, since Advent is myveryfavoriteEVER. And once October rolls around I get fairly excited fairly regularly. This particular time it was because I realized Advent approaching meant I could soon pull out my Fr. Alfred Delp book, which I gushed over quite a bit last Advent, as you can see here. And/or here. Anyway, soon I can get it out and fall in love with it all over again. Last year I didn't quite finish it, maybe this year I'll make it all the way through. I'm sure you'll be hearing about it either way. Be excited.

5. This song makes me smile. Every. Single. Time. So, now here, you can too.

You're welcome.

6. My friend Lauren Enriquez, pro-life writer extraordinaire, did a piece the other day which I got a big kick out of, so I'm linking in order for you to enjoy as well. I like following her anyways but when I saw the title, "USA Today op-ed: Stop scaring women who want to have kids", I knew I was going to enjoy it. A post after my own heart.

7. I found this and I super-love St. Josemaria Escriva always always, we're totes BFFs.

Seriously though, most likely you've heard me lament at some point that he has a knack for saying things that make me go, "Ouch. Thank you. And...Ouch." Anyway, I love his words a lot and also his face, so this is perfect. :)

Happy Friday! :)

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